The Power of Narratives


Discourse Is Kinetic.

It affects how both people and societies move. Our lives are governed by our narratives – the stories we believe and tell about ourselves. The ideologies and cultural values we hold. Our interpretations of lived experiences and learned trainings are what show up in our narratives, in addition to our functional and dysfunctional beliefs. The power of discourse shapes human behaviors, bodily performance, and institutional systems.


Applying for a Job? Transitioning into higher education? Giving a public speech? Starting a business?


These are all moments in life that rely on you to share your narrative.


Why Narratives Matter?


Our lives are governed by our narratives – the stories we believe and tell about ourselves, as well as the ideologies and cultural values we hold. Narratives shape who we are. The interpretations of lived experiences and learned trainings create our functional and dysfunctional beliefs. At Integrity Solutions Group, we understand how narratives provide us with a sense of credibility, and how narratives can diminish our sense of self-worth. We are constantly constructing and reconstructing narratives about our selves, and others. Narratives matter when applying for a job, getting into college or graduate school, making a career change, or starting that business you’ve thought about for a while. We help you find the right narrative.

Why Integrity Matters?


Integrity is the state of being whole.


Integrity is an undivided vision, an undivided expression of yourself, a union or synthesis of all of your multifaceted parts, an unbroken self.


Integrity is a practice of honesty.


Integrity is about who you are and how you move in the world. To live with integrity is to live into a unified, honest, expression of yourself. Unfortunately, many people are not operating at their fullest integrity. There are components of purpose missing in their lives which leads to a feeling of incompleteness.


Integrity is an expression of you.


Often times, a lack of integrity means being unable to fully express yourself, and live out your goals. Living without integrity means expressing the complete picture of who you are. At Integrity Solutions Group, we believe everyone can live with integrity by living honestly with the different parts that make up you. Come spend some time sharing, learning, reflecting and growing; and move towards your path of fullness and fulfillment.

Integrity is the state of being whole and wholly honest.